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Čorić Group performs research in the areas of organic, inorganic, and materials chemistry at the University of Zurich since September 2016.

UZH website:


Please visit our new website:


- postdoctoral associate (Application instructions)


November 2019:  Our new website is on at

June 2019:  Elisa wins Forschungskredit Postdoc funding from the UZH.

December 2018: Tufan and Zhongyi join the group.


October 2018: Chaochen joins the group as a PhD candidate.


August 2018: Dongchen joins the group for an internship.


June 2018: Elisa wins Forschungskredit Postdoc funding from the UZH.

October 2017: Elisa joins the group as a postdoctoral associate.

April 2017: Jyoti joins the group as the first PhD student.


January 2017: Ilija is one of the recipients of the Thieme Chemistry Journals Award 2017.

Department of Chemistry
University of Zurich

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